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Declan Mungovan


I lead a team of Software Engineers at Google that uses tools like GenAI to improve developer productivity and reduce release time.

Computer Programmer

I live in Manhattan and lead a team of Software Engineers working on Google Cloud. We work on improving engineering productivity by building new tools, updating framework standardization, and integrating cutting edge technology like LLMs into our tech stack. Before becoming a manager I worked as a back-end computer programmer for around 14 years most recently in the areas of .Net (Framework, Core etc.), C#, Java, SQL Server, Elasticsearch, everything AWS etc.
I lived in the San Francisco Bay Area for 4 years before moving to New York and worked for different tech companies there.
I have a PhD in Computer Science from the University of Galway (formerly NUIG).

PhD Research

I completed a PhD in computer science in 2011 as part of a Science Foundation of Ireland scholarship. The research component was completed in 3 years.  As part of my work at the University I helped design and built a Java based system dynamics software tool for which I was included as one of the patent owners. I have published several academic papers in computer sciences over the years.

A copy of the thesis I defended is here.
And here is a link to a sample publication.


I created a startup called ContactSurge in 2019 with my business partner Ronan Martin. We provided marketing software for small business that helped them automate their business processes and connect with their customers. We had a number of paying clients who were unfortunately unable to continue using our services due to pandemic related drop in their revenue. As a result Ronan and I decided to windup ContactSurge in 2021 after all of our existing client obligations were met. But learnt a lot in the process! 

A spotlight on the company was published here.


Check out some of the sketches I’ve made over the years.

I’ve made a few short films, I want to make more but I’m blaming being too busy rather than procrastination.

I’ve written and produced a couple of one act plays in Ireland plus written a couple of full length plays. Hopefully more to come!


Like a fool I started writing a novel and hopefully will finish it some day! Here is a link to the work in progress in a google doc, you can add comments if you’d like. I’d love to get some constructive feedback!